Monday, February 17, 2014

Penelope & Charlie "Little Angel of Faith & Loyalty

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Penelope & Charlie  Little Angel of Faith & Loyalty

“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” 
~J.R.R. Tolkien, THe Fellowship of the Ring

Penelope is a child angel that is surrounding
 Charlie, the Basset hound, with her heart wings of love. 
She is letting Charlie know everything is going to be alright.
Charlie is wearing a heart necklace, a gift from Penelope
and his eyes are turned upwards towards to the Divine.

Basset hounds seem to look sad even when they are happy.
They often seem to have the "whoa is me" feeling. 
I chose to use the Basset as a symbol for those emotional times
when we feel despair or sadness.

We can move through these trying times
when we are able to be still and let go.
Through the stillness
we can move towards our inner faith and we 
can trust that we are moving through these times with

What I Learned 
 Since I am going through a really big change in my life
from youngest daughter going off to college, 
husband getting a new job after 16 years,
to selling 2 homes so that we can 
purchase our dream home,
to dealing with aging parents 
I am learning to let go and surrender.

As I  walk through all of these emotions
and move through the self-judging
voices  and tears...I am once again able return to the stillness within.
As I surrender to the serenity of grace
I am able to allow the 
love to surround me and wash
over me. 
In this state, I begin to open my heart wider and I remember
my faith and trust in the Divine.
I remember there is a greater plan at work, 
even though I may not be quite capable to see or
understand in the moment.

In this serenity, I melt back into the Oneness.

Stages of the Painting

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