Friday, August 8, 2014

Little Mermaid

               “Seas the Day!”

Click to Purchase this print.

Mysterious and fascinating, 
Mermaids have memorized
 the human mind for over 5,000 years.

From early childhood memories
 of Hans Christian Anderson’s
 Little Mermaid,  
Disney’s beloved “The Little Mermaid” 
to J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books,
humans just can’t seem
 to get enough of mermaids. 
It's not just the western cultures, 
but the Japanese, Philippines, and the Russians have been fascinated 
for centuries as well.

There seems to be a drop
 of the ocean in us all.

When we stand before the ocean
 we can feel it calling us to remember....
who we are and where we are going.

“The Sea Beckons Me”

What I Learned
This painting came to me as I was moving 
through so major life changes.
I think the energy was teaching me to let
 go and trust that all that I need
will flow to me.
I don't have to seek it, strive for it or fight for it.

Just as the ocean ebbs and flows 
so do the moments and experiences
 of my life. 
Sometimes things flow in and out
gently and effortlessly. 
But sometimes I feel 
like I am drowning or
 being pulled out to sea.

During these times it is important 
for me to remember not to struggle against the current. 
It will only wear me out 
or pull me under.

It is often best to just stay afloat and conserve my energy until I move out of the current.

This is a lesson that I often struggle
with and so I often have to repeat 
it over and over again.

However each time this lesson cycles
around I am able to wake up quicker
and I struggle less.

I think the ocean is a good reminder
of how life ebbs and flows
whether I work with it or against it.
 I am learning that the 'ocean of life'
is much bigger than I am, 
so it makes sense to surrender to its flow and enjoy the journey.

The Ocean of Life is filled with many 
So why be in such a rush.

Enjoy each moment
let your dreams set sail.

Stages of the Painting

Click to purchase this poster with the title:  the Sea beckons Me 

Click to Purchase the Original painting

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